Other Holiday Specials Wiki
Performer: Michael Yarmush
Justin Bradley
Mark Rendall
Cameron Ansell
Dallas Jokic
Drew Adkins
Willaim Healy
Jacob Ursomarzo
Appears in:

Arthur Timothy Read is the main character from Marc Brown's classic book series, Arthur, and the PBS Kids animated television series based on them. He is an eight year old male aardvark who loves Bionic Bunny (a parody of Superman), hanging with his best friends, playing the piano, and reading books. Some of his dislikes include the antics of his little sister D.W. and getting homework often. Like most book characters, Arthur often learns a life lesson such as how to handle being teased, responsibility, and honesty. The animated series expanded his other interests including Dark Bunny (a parody of Batman).

Appearances in holiday specials[]

While none of the holiday-themed Arthur books got adapted into episodes of the show, Arthur did get to have some original holiday productions during its initial run.

In the Father's Day episode "1001 Dads", he tries to find a new dad for Buster Baxter before the Father’s Day Picnic, but stopped after seeing how unhappy Buster was.

In the Yom Kippur episode "Is That Kosher?", he won a free pizza party from Paula's Pizzeria to be held at his house on Saturday which happens to be the same day Francine was trying to fast on Yom Kippur.

In the Earth Day episode "Prunella the Packrat", he works with Prunella on an Earth Day display while at the same time help her overcome her habit of being a packrat.

In the Easter episode "Brain's Brain", Arthur only had a minor role appearing in the opening and closing with Buster.

In the second and final Father's Day episode "The Butler Did It", Arthur only appeared in the opening teaser as the entire episode focused mainly on Muffy.

External links[]

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