"Can't Buy Me Math" is the 11th episode of the fifth season of the animated comedy series Bob's Burgers and the overall 78th episode. It was written by Dan Fybel and directed by Tyree Dillihay. It aired on Fox in the United States on February 8, 2015.
Darryl approaches Tina to be his fake girlfriend in exchange for tutoring her in her classes so she won't fail and be sent to remedial math. Tina is reluctant until Darryl explains that by being each other's fake partners, they can attract the attention of their unrequited love interests: Jimmy Jr. for Tina, and Rosa, an upperclassman whose skills in video games rival Darryl's own. Tina teams up with Darryl to win the Cupid's Couple contest at the school dance so that each of them will become popular enough to attract the attention of Jimmy Jr. and Rosa. The two publicly promote each other as perfect and desirable partners, and then stage a dramatic, public breakup.
The ploy is successful and Darryl begins dating a sympathetic Rosa while Tina has attracted the interest of Jimmy Jr. However, Tina finds that she has developed feelings for Darryl due to his exemplary staged acts of love, despite knowing they were fake. While they all go on a group date, Tina loses her composure watching Rosa and Darryl flirt and publicly exposes their ruse in an attempt to win Darryl back. Rosa is disgusted and breaks up with Darryl, and Tina immediately regrets what she has done. She speaks with Rosa and tells her that Darryl put on the ruse because he felt he was out of Rosa's league, but genuinely liked her. Rosa is unsure, but relents when she and Darryl bond over an arcade game. Dejected, and having failed math anyway, Tina arrives at remedial math class, but finds that Jimmy Jr. is also in the class and sits next to him.
Meanwhile, Linda plans a week of Valentine's Day activities for herself and Bob. Her goal is to take the pressure off of a large celebration on Valentine's Day by having them celebrate small romantic gestures during the entire week. However, each of her plans go awry, culminating in Bob doing a disastrous striptease without realizing that he is visible to the entire street. When the residents of the neighborhood heckle him, he decides to continue anyway to make Linda happy.